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Congratulations USS Dreadnought

Posted on Thu Nov 7th, 2019 @ 7:55pm by

Greetings to the crew of the USS Dreadnought.

As a member of Pegasus Fleet Admiralty and as the Task Force Commanding Officer for the USS Dreadnought, it is with a great amount of pleasure and pride that I relay this message from the Pegasus Fleet Commanding Officer.

Hello @everyone,

I have a special announcement. I'd like to give a huge congratulations to one of our commanding officers and Pegasus Fleet Executive Officer, Vice Admiral S'iraa.

As Captain William Hood, he has led the USS Dreadnought sim for fourteen years, which celebrates its birthday on November 7.

Along with Captain Hood, five other members of his crew; Mark Bawden, Jack Frost, Zan Luthar, Xavier Patrovski, and Ayla Bawden; have been with the sim since the beginning.

That kind of longevity deserves to be recognized, and so each of them will be granted the Meritorious Service Award. This new award will be given to players who have surpassed 10 years of consecutive service on a single sim.

In recognition of Captain Hood's accomplishment, on behalf of the Pegasus Fleet Admiralty I hereby promote him to Fleet Captain.

Congratulations to Fleet Captain Hood and the USS Dreadnought for their impressive run so far, and for many more years to come!

Congratulations to all of you who have made this sim the success that it is. Your efforts are not unnoticed and we are all very proud of your accomplishments. Here's to many years ahead.

Happy Simming

Rear Admiral Niamh Devane
Pegasus Fleet Admiralty


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