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Consult to Surgery

Posted on Mon Oct 16th, 2023 @ 2:46pm by Lieutenant Commander Skovik cha Silask & Lieutenant Aaron Byrne

975 words; about a 5 minute read

Mission: Ethics, Morals & The Prime Directive.
Location: Sickbay

Sickbay was brightly lit and the atmosphere was quiet but not tense. This gave him the appropriately reassuring feeling that it was a good time to inquire about the repair of his shoulder. Skovik had entered sickbay and was waiting for the appropriate individual from triage to approach him.

It wasn't long before the Lieutenant did notice the Vulcan standing there quietly. "You could have said something" he muttered under his breath.

"I am not in urgent need of attention, so I felt it was best to allow you to finish your task without inturruption." Skovik knew that humans were notorious for being bad at redirecting their minds once their focus had been broken.

"Fair enough. What can I do you for Commander?"

"I am here inquiring about Dr Thomas, and her availability to perform the surgery that she suggested 6.5 standard months ago"

"Dr Thomas won't be available for a couple of weeks, as she is on leave accept emergencies.

"Was her child born healthy?"

"Yes, she was".

He nodded, absorbing the information that not only had she delivered the child she was carrying but also that that child had ended up being a girl. He had had a conversation with her about children, and the way they induced worry in their parents even prior to being born. That had been for standard months ago. The Vulcan had not caused to visit sick bay since then as he had been strictly adhering to the physical therapy schedule which he had been given. "I shall have to pay a social call upon her, and give her the traditional gift one offers to a human's first child"

Aaron surprised visibly by that statement.

"Your surprise is rooted in ignorance. Vulcans do pay social calls. Vulcan society is complex and intricate with a rich social structure. It is designed to appease our need for socialization without imposing upon the other party when they do not wish to be social. Such things are scheduled, or are within the allowable parameters that humans refer to as 'spontaneity' . I have found that the majority of humanoids, humans in specific find the cues that are built into vulcan society to be too subtle. While the concept of a baby shower is not something that Vulcans do, there is some ritualized celebrations for the continuation of the matriarchal line when the first child of the first child is a female."

"I had no idea.".

"No, you would not. It is not something that often is spoken of outside of a Vulcan household. As you do not have a Vulcan wife it stands to reason that this is information you would not possess."

This time Aaron's laugh was much more hardy, at the idea that he of all people would attract a vulcan wife."No, no wife at all, much less a Vulcan one. I have trouble enough attracting a Lady of my own species. I can't imagine that I would be something that a Vulcan lady would look twice at."

"I as a male cannot directly refute that statement, I will say however that I know Vulcan females for which that statement is inherently false.".


"This sound implies curiosity should I introduce you to such a female?"

Aaron stared at him with his mouth open unable to process anything other than the buzzing between his ears that the chief of intelligence had just offered to set him up on a Vulcan blind date. His lips moved without any sound coming out before he managed to close his mouth with a click.

Skovik watching the man with the tiniest hint of amusement in his dark eyes. The Vulcan usually had a more sophisticated sense of humor, but there was always something very satisfying about speaking something to a human that they would never expect come out of a vulcan's mouth."Are you quite well doctor?"

"I... I... I think I am. " He managed to say shaking his head, which moved his curls."You said something about a surgery, does the surgery require Dr Thomas or can anybody do it?"

"My preference is for Dr Thomas, due to my familliarity with her. Any qualified physician is capable of doing the repair and I have no significant issue with another performing the procedure."

"What procedure exactly did she suggest to you?" His face was still flaming red at the idea of being set up with a Vulcan female by the Chief of Security. Acacia never believe that when he told her the goings-on of the day.

"I have a congenital abnormality in the joint of my left shoulder, and in the associated vertebrae. It has caused some nerve impingement that requires a surgical fixation. I am uncertain of the particulars of the procedure. We had discussed it only in the theoretical. I am finding that the increase in pain and loss of sensation to be abhorrent, and I would like to fix the root cause."

"I am certain that she put a notation in your chart."

"That would be the logical and appropriate course of action." Skovik agreed quietly, his dark eyes scanning the room. He could faintly hear the other sickbay staff working. "She did not indicate to myself that a specialist would be needed."

"It probably doesn't, it's probably a procedure that I can do but I'll have to look it up. " Aaron admitted

"I do not require an answer immediately though I do not wish to be out of My office for long, especially given the particulars of this mission. I find the repeated injury to be distracting. I can ignore the physical sensations, but it takes away from my processing abilities to do so. I find that I tire of using my resources in such a fashion."

"Right, I will review and get back to you"

"Acceptable. Thank you Dr Byrne"


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