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The Plot Thickens....Just A Little.

Posted on Wed Dec 13th, 2023 @ 8:57pm by Commander Mark Bawden & Captain Ethan De Havilland & Lieutenant Commander Ferrand Beaulieu

704 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Ethics, Morals & The Prime Directive.
Location: Bridge
Timeline: Post Attack on Agincourt

Peace and silence filled the Bridge of the Dreadnought as it waited, for news from the Administrator or from the wide net that he'd cast with his fighters and escorts. Unaware of what had already transpired with the destroyed wing of fighters due to interference of the asteroid belt the Agincourt was seemingly close enough to get a signal, but only barely.

The explosions of the detonating torpedoes that were dropped were things that even at range were hard to miss. "Captain, detecting high yield energy signatures, sensors indicate signatures match quantum torpedo detonations.

"Bearing." Ethan spoke, his attention roused to action with this surprising development.

"Bearing 109 Mark 43 sir."

"Break radio silence. Signal Lt Swiftpaws, divert to the Agincourt's location at best speed." Ethan ordered. "Message relay to Commander Beaulieu, all fighters in the immediate area of the asteroid belt to converge on the Agincourt's location, provide support and defense measures. If anything this just confirmed that whatever was going on teamed with the attitude of the Administrator. The use of Quantum torpedoes was only used for defense, only 3 ships in the area had them so that narrowed down the options.

"Signal Commander Bawden, request status report to Flagship urgently." Ethan ordered.

Ferrand got the message and relayed the other to the nearby flights. Looking at his display he saw 37 fighters including his own bearing down on the Agincourt.

The fighting was pitched as combatants fought for domination, with a singular mission to eliminate the other. With fighters from both sides dashing and weaving between asteroid and rock alike for cover and any possible positional advantage they might provide. One such move would come at a cost for Ferrand as weapons fire collapsed his shields, warning lights started to flash on his consoles as the registered damage but the worst was yet to come.

As he rounded an asteroid to put cover between himself and those behind him a stray shot impacted the asteroid sending debris upwards from its surface. A piece of this debris impacted the shieldless fighter on the cockpit glass cracking it. It was almost mesmerising how the glass seemed to crack, like a spider's web growing in waves, one side then the other, then another, then a surge as it grew as a whole. It was only the saving grace of two fighters managing to get the jump on those chasing him that gave Ferrand a moment of reprieve.

Training kicked in, he'd been through this moment before, mask on, seal the suit, activate suit life support. Fixate on the moment and not the damage, get back to the ship. Ferrand could see all around him the battle was still raging while he steered his wounded craft back toward the Flagship.

It wasn't much longer till the window gave out. It was almost majestic, blowing outwards instead of in, how the shards seemed to keep pace with him for a moment until they fell behind and in another direction. Now he was exposed to a hard vacuum....time was no longer his ally.

Mark sat on the Bridge trying to aid the fighters that came to support him, even with all the ship's weapons he knew agile and fast fighters would be hard targets to hit but that didn't stop him trying. Weapon signatures, markings, craft scans, shapes and designs were all being recorded by the Defiant's sensor suit, anything that might shed some light as to who they were or faction they belonged to might prove useful at some point down the line.

Ferrand could feel the cold, as insulated his flight suit was it would only hold up to so much. His consoles flashed its warnings, the damage was substantial and across many systems and he knew his crew chief wouldn't be happy. He'd set a course to the Flagship and then set his engines to low power trying to conserve what he had hoping that inertia would do the rest till he needed to bring his engines to power again. An object would stay in motion until a force acted upon it, Ferrand hoped there were no forces ahead of him between himself and home to do just that.


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