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The Start Of Something New (Part 2)

Posted on Thu Nov 23rd, 2023 @ 12:10pm by Lieutenant Commander Ferrand Beaulieu & Lieutenant Commander Victoria Aries

4,626 words; about a 23 minute read

Mission: Ethics, Morals & The Prime Directive.

Satisfied with the reply, guiding Victoria inside and asked for a table. It was rather fortunate to have a French themed and styled venue on board considering all the other races and delights that were known. Requesting a table they were lead to one off to the side with a view and informed where the all you could eat food arrangement was, the bathrooms and the button on the table was when they were ready to order.

Taking note however that Victoria had given him the option to order for her, he opted for French onion soup, bread, Salade Nicoise, Boeuf Bourguignon and a Chicken Chasseur along with additional sharing plates. "What would you like to drink?" Ferrand asked.

She opened her mouth to suggest something rather tame because she'd planned on grabbing her skates and going out on the ice afterwards, but closed it before saying anything and thinking for several seconds. She had no idea what sort of wine they should go for, but wine was a very French thing to have with a meal, "Something red, I'd think? Definitely not someone who's good at pairing things... Sorry to put it on you again, but any suggestions?"

He thought for a moment as he considered the options against the array of foods that had been ordered. "A bottle of Chambolle-Musigny si vous plait." He smiled then handed the menu back to the server. "Merci." They were told there would be but a brief wait but the drinks would be right out.

"I hope you don't mind, but I ordered a few things with sharing plates, they can pair with each other so no one plate will over power and the red wine is velvety and floral in taste to compliment."

"Don't mind at all." Victoria waved it away with a hand gesture, "So, Ferrand," She finally used his first name for the first time even as she leaned forward a bit, "Since we're going to have a little wait, what brings you to Dreadnought? I figure since we're both either new or still semi-new, may as well learn about each other since we're both aboard now, no?"

"Orders, so not by choice. I was a sub orbital flight instructor for the Aerospace Flight School. Training pilots combat tactics, application, execution and the like. Spent most of my time in fighters then out of them. Then one day I get called to the Dean's office, honestly I was expecting a complain from a trainee I'd failed or an exam rerun request which were the popular callings. Then he told me I'd been reassigned, CAG of the Dreadnought."

Ferrand sighed as he recalled hearing the news, that dreaded sinking feeling of change and the unknown. "Honestly I thought I'd end up on a smaller ship, ferrying people around, cargo runs.....not sure I expected this though."

“Sounds like a doozie.” Victoria agreed, “I’m much the same way, orders. I was supposed to go home for a while, help oversee the repair and refit of my last ship when they dropped me off here.” She shook her head slowly, “I was looking forward to seeing my family, get to go to some games to see my brother play. Hell, was going to celebrate my promotion with them, but no. Don’t get me wrong, this is a great honor, really for each of us, but it seems a bit much. A bit overwhelming if you know what I mean.”

"I do, I remember the flight from Earth into orbit, something I've done countless times and at first I wasn't sure which ship I was going to because there were so many and security was tight. Only when I got closer did I get contacted by the ship and escorted part of the way before landing on board. Not the ship I expected, or the move. Still trying to see if its a promotion or the Dean felt I was in the same position for too long and they wanted someone new." Ferrand answered. No sooner had he finished the bottle had arrived, the cork popped and two glasses made available.

“Could be both if you look at it from the right point of view.” Victoria lifted the glass and swirled it before taking a small sip, “Mmm.. Oh sure, you’re the CAG now, which means probably less flying and more paperwork, but you’re going still going to be teaching these pilots, mark my words.” She raised a single finger, “You don’t think that you’ve got all veteran pilots? I’ve only been able to glance over my roster and I have at least a dozen ensigns fresh from one Academy or another. Makes me wish I could take some time to mentor each of them, but I’ve seen the pile of PADDs that need going through when I have a spare minute or two.”

"Nearly two thirds of my pilots are fresh from flight school. I have a handful of actual combat experience pilots, some from the war, one or two were instructors like me so its going to take a while to shape them into a fighting unit but we will get there." Ferrand poured a glass and swirled it, smelt it.

"I've already had a few...altercations between hot shot pilots and one of my more experienced pilots. I expect friction among the younger pilots as they seek to stake something to prove but some....just don't have time to entertain those kinds of games."

“I’m not sure there’s any way to avoid that sort of thing.. If there’s one thing that’s well known about you pilots, it’s that egos run hot and wild.” She watched him from right above the rim of her glass, eyes glittering with mirth, “Of course, I have no ego, I happen to just know I’m really good at everything I do, don’tcha know?” Her tone of voice made sure he knew she was kidding.

"Easy there Icarus." Ferrand returned with a smile but he understood the need for confidence given what they do. Subordinates were hawks when it came to a sniff of lacking confidence, like a plague it would sweep through the team. "Given how many are new on board it was bound to happen that peopled would be uneasy, especially considering there are many unknowns and questions that people are bound to have."

“And so few aboard that know the answers to those questions.” Victoria glanced to both sides, “I heard a rumor from one of my subsection heads, one that actually was part of Dreadnoughts building party, that the former CO of the ship was a bit of a beast. Even so far as to eat some of his officers? Of course I don’t put any stock into such rumors.”

"Admiral S'iraa, the Caitian. Yeah I heard that rumour too, only its not rumour, it's truth. Should speak to Commander Bawden, the Chief Security Officer or especially his Wife as I hear she was on the receiving end of the Admiral'a rage. Word has it he was being manipulated during his capture, some kind of device." Ferrand spoke, clearly having done his homework when it came to history and past missions of the ship.

“It’s true?” Victoria’s eyes were wide open now, flitting from one side to the other briefly as if to catch sight of a ghost, then shook her head, “Maybe I’d better listen to him a bit more then about the other things.. Still, going to make the best of my time aboard as I can. Any hobbies aside from drawing? Like, do you skate, by chance?”

"Skate, no. I do wing suiting, base jumping, unpowered gliding though I suppose that count's as flying given my profession. I tried to fish but sucked at that, I tried diving but I prefer the freedom of air and space around me, water...not so much." He answered as he pondered on what else he liked to do.

Victoria shuddered visibly, trying to imagine the freefalling, “I have never done that, not sure I’d ever really want to jump out of a perfectly good shuttlecraft in any event. Don’t get me wrong, I do like to fly, but powered flight.” She leaned in, “I even have a holoprogram with old Earth jet powered aircraft.” She leaned back again, as if that were a secret, “But mostly I just like staying on the ground, on the ice whenever possible.”

"I guess it comes with the personality, being a pilot and the like, the need for freedom in the air, the skies." Ferrand answered. "I'll miss landing on solid ground for sure, that transition from space, suborbital to darting between clouds." Every pilot was drawn to something about flying and when he was an instructor it was the views, even if he'd seen them many times before they were the kind that never got old.

"I've only ever either been in atmosphere, well... Holographic atmosphere for real flying, or perhaps some atmospheric entries in a shuttle, but those were more for other reasons. Never really done much true flying just for the fun of it." Victoria shrugged as she took another sip of the wine, "Time and opportunity have never matched up properly for it."

"Even as I was growing up I always had trouble keeping still, at least flying I was able to go and do what I wanted especially during training and testing new craft. These new craft though are something but just didn't think I'd ever get to fly one, never mind commanding over 140 of them." He spoke just as the food started to arrive. Additional plates were provided, cutlery, napkins and the like were given and laid out neatly.

"I can understand that." Victoria watched as a veritable feast hit the table in front of them, "For me, I was quite happy with an engineering team of seventy on board an Akira-class. Now, I've got the equivalent of an entire Akira's crew at my beck and call. Really outsized, but we need each and every one to keep this ship going." She paused a moment, "There's no escargot, right? I'm not sure I could bring myself to eat snails."

"I believe you are safe." Ferrand answered as be placed a napkin in his lap before he looked at the plates before him. "Please, help yourself." He offered letting Victoria select first which to sample and taste.

Not knowing which one to start with, Victoria grabbed a little bit of everything to try it out. As she took her first bite, she knew she was going to be in trouble and made a mental note to do even more exercising over the next week or so to burn off the calories she was about to consume, "This is good, and this..." She popped a piece of chicken in her mouth, "Is really good and that looks great too!"

Ferrand was glad that the choices he made had been well received, he was worried that the options might be a little overpowering or overwhelming at least. He waited himself before gathering portions for himself and started to eat. "Good." He spoke clearly pleased. While normally he'd eat in his quarters alone or in the mess area with the other pilots there were times when even removing himself from the whole 'Pilot' vibe and feel of scene and company was just as good as the meal itself.

In the end, she couldn't decide whether it was the Coq Au Vin or the Beef Bourguignon that was her favorite and overloaded on both. During the normal course of her day, she typically would have a light breakfast, a snack in the middle of the day, then her largest meal of the day in the evening, so this wasn't AS bad as it could be. As she wiped up the last bit of the beef gravy with a piece of the excellent bread, she still was considering dessert. "Okay, I think that about does it, I just hope you don't think I made too much of a pig of myself."

Ferrand had not eaten as much because he needed to be mindful of his duties as a pilot, constantly ready to scramble at a moments notice should it be required. Though he ate enough to sate his hunger. "Not at all." He spoke as he placed his knife and fork together on the plate side by side. "Though I am sure you will make up for it with what ever vigorous work out regime you have at a later date." The comment sparked by a mental reminded that he needed to visit the gym as he did every other day.

“Stress.” Victoria nodded, “Stress is a workout of the full body, not that I won’t try to spend another hour out on the ice if I can find it. Worst case scenario, I’ll find some weights or something that I can work out with while on-duty, or just wear as I dash from one side of the ship to the other.” Victoria shrugged half-way, “After all, always on call even if just as a backup to one of the other senior engineers, the life of a Chief it is.”

"I don't suppose I might interest you in dessert?" He asked. "Icecream, chocolate fudge, chocolate syrup and flakes?" A delight to be sure to those interested and a treat to be savoured, or the envy of those that might look on.

Victoria bit her lower lip as she contemplated. Yes, she had room for dessert and yes, the sundae did sound absolutely amazing. And at least another hour of hard working out. She nodded once, then again with an impish smile, “Didn’t you know, desserts, especially ones that involve chocolate, are the way to every woman’s heart?”

"Can I be brutally honest?" Ferrand spoke leaning forward. "The only heart I've managed to tame is little under a metric ton, 20 meters long and 14 wide and she flies." Hinting as most pilots would that the craft they fly is the first of any heart to tame, especially when ones life depended on it. "So how am I doing?"

"I presume that this is a date then?" Victoria giggled unlike her normal laugh, "If it is, it's a surprise date and I'm not sure if I don't like it! Definitely a different approach then the normal one of someone touching my arm, whispering something about how sexy I look and wondering if I'm doing anything for the night with some sort of cheesy pickup line."

"Well, in my defense madame, you did storm into the gardens in a state, so if anything, I would call it a result of the effect of thy own action." He doubted it was every day that someone draw a picture of her regardless of the emotional state she was in and handed it to her, then took her home to change, then dinner.

This time it was a full laugh, with Victoria nodding along with the apt description of events, “I was rather… Eloquent about my performance in that exercise.” That was what had come AFTER the scream that had burned out of her throat, “Accidentally blew up your hanger in it, sorry about that.. Didn’t realize there had been a hydrogen leak when I cleared it for landing damaged fighters. Dumb thing for me to not check before, so I figured yelling at myself was a good way to handle it, but not in front of anyone.”

"Can't wait for that to seep back to the Captain. Aren't you supposed to be keeping his ship in one piece, not tearing it up?" Ferrand spoke. "Especially the Hanger Bays given the ship is a command carrier." He smirked. "But, that means I get to come to Engineering and do something...eloquent...don't you think?" The grin on his face obvious as he ordered the dessert, watching the server walk away to get it.

“I don’t think he’s going to be bothered with the results of a few simulations, maaaaaybe if it happens for real?” Victoria made a general gesture to wave away the problem, “As for your own elocution on matters,” Her smile turned into a wicked grin of her own, “Just remember who controls gravity on this particular bird! Sweet-talking, chocolates to soothe what would obviously be a bad day? I think I could handle those!”

"You seemed to handle being drawn by unknown Frenchmen just fine without chocolates." Ferrand grinned. "Or is that a one off and I have to up my game for next time?" He joked as he leaned back in the chair taking in the view of the other patrons around him enjoying a variety of foods on tabletops, each with unique and wonderful aromas.

"Well, you had me at an unfair advantage!" Victoria smiled, "You devilishly laid in wait for my completely unscheduled appearance and thus didn't require the chocolates as you hid in the devious shadows waiting for unsuspecting me." She batted her eyelashes at him, "Besides, that does sound like you're planning on asking me out on a date for next time."

"I would never wish to presume madam, and besides, I am sure there are plenty of other suitors eager for attention that might become jealous I am taking up your time." Ferrand at first feigned innocence, only poorly. "But, if you were to be interested in another date..."

"Mademoiselle." Victoria corrected him, "And no, there aren't yet. I haven't been able to attract my normal non-existent crowd of admirer's yet, not that most people can stand me." She shook her head slightly, knowing she'd always pushed people away rather than give them a fair chance, "I suppose I could be free sometime soon, if our schedules just happened to match up."

"I'll make my flight roster available to you, you should be then able to view for yourself." Ferrand knew that the uniform came first and perhaps that too was why he was single, opting to stick to himself and his craft. Every pilot knew that being one was risky with space combat being what it was. Not many wanted that kind of baggage, the high risk partner, the lack of emotional stable security. "May I ask why?" Curious as to why she was hint 'stand her'.

She shrugged as the sundae was placed in front of her, it looked like it was truly real ice cream, not replicated or even replicated ingredients. She plucked the cherry from on top and popped it in her mouth, "Work, mostly, always being the one called away at the most inconvenient time and being unwilling to say 'no'. Then there's the other things." She stuck her spoon in to feel how it cut through the dessert, "My hobbies and likes. Guys don't like the fact that I enjoy the physicality of hockey and being ABLE to push them around on the ice, then the ability to just sit down as if it never happened and watch fun stuff."

"I see." Ferrand answered. In part he understood given his duties, the potential to be called away at a moments notice, the dangers of it. It could be a turn off for many people especially when the other has a conflicting schedule also. "Sorry, I shouldn't have asked." Not wanting to bring her mood down now that chocolate and icecream were in play.

"Why not?" Victoria half asked, half demanded, "A moment ago you were just about to ask me out on a date. I mean, it was a fair question and you deserve to know about me if you were interested, or if you're still interested." She sighed heavily figuring she knew the answer. Too many guys wanted just... Girly-girls, not ones that would speak their mind and not just conform to HIS standards and likes.

"That, is not what I meant." Ferrand answered. "I didn't mean to dampen the mood of the 'lonely why' in light of the dessert in front of you. While I appreciate the knowledge, there is little that comes before icecream and chocolate especially given how good it looks." And it did look good. Victoria was however not what he expected, sure most of those he did know were not into the contact sports as such, each had different tastes, just like Victoria does but on the flip side of that coin, most females he knew were pilots or ground crew personnel.

"I don't see anything wrong in it." She paused for a moment to eat a spoonful of the ice cream, yes, definitely real vanilla beans in this one and she smiled, "It didn't dampen the mood for me in the slightest, you're just trying to get to know me better. To me, that's a good sign! You know, the start of any good relationship is just that, showing that you want to know about the other. Truth be told, given that when you're out flying, you can't get away, it's probably easier for me to juggle my own schedule to find time for a date. I only have a couple of set items in my dailies, so I can typically be where I want to be so long as I put in the time elsewhere."

"I wouldn't want you to put yourself in a position of difficulty or trouble simply on my account due to my role." Ferrand knew, like Victoria, that duty could call at any hour, it happens and it came par for the course when enlisting. Sacrifices had to be made, opportunities seized, adventures traversed. "You're the Chief Engineer of this....considerable vessel...a position of prestige I know, as a friend of mine is a Commander at the SCE and he applied to the Dreadnought."

"Honestly? This got dumped on me, I didn't get a choice to say yes or no, my Captain just called me up to his Ready Room and told me to pack quickly." Victoria shook her head, "I'd have never chosen a ship like this, but I also won't back down from it. I was actually looking forward to spending some time on Earth, but needs must." She was trying to decide if his evasion was a lack of interest or just a fatalistic look at things, "Next thing you're going to say is that you've got a dangerous job, right? Pilots go out in flimsy craft that do the damndest things at the worst possible moments? Puh-lease, I could say the same thing about mine. Who gets to run to where something is on the edge of exploding? And with this ship, it could be anywhere and everywhere. We're both adults, Ferrand, eyes wide open."

Ferrand wasn't sure how to read that latter comment, the uniform came with dangers, but it was the character of the wearer that made the dangers worth facing to protect the innocent. It wasn't a topic he was prepared to go into, a topic every pilot had covered more than once but that unfortunately was part of being a pilot. "You should enjoy that before it melts. It's always best while the icecream is still firm because it hardens the sauce a little for some delightful crunch."

With another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth, Victoria paused to think again. She didn't know where this was going to go and well.. What was the worst he could do? Back out on a potential date? "So, I guess I should just ask: Are you still game?"

Ferrand paused, she was forward, that was good, there was an appeal in that. "Of course." The accent seeping through the UT's translation. "Though I should ask, how private do you wish to be with the knowledge of dates and such?" He asked, he knew some people had very clear divides between work and pleasure, others didn't mind being open about things but he wanted that clarity with Victoria should any of his pilots ask him who he was seen with and such.

"I don't think there's any harm in people knowing, so long as you aren't bothered by it." Victoria thought for a few more seconds, "I could see two senior officers dating on a smaller ship being more of a distraction, but when we're talking about several thousand people here on Dreadnought? Don't think most will give it more than a thought or two. If people think I'm easy or something like that? I've got a thick skin. No need for me to have to be an ice queen or anything."

"Fair enough, just thought I'd ask, to clarify." Ferrand understood that the uniform came with expectations, with those expectations came image and projection. Civilians look upon a uniform and see many things, but rumours and talk can sway a perspective one way or the other depending on what is said and so he didn't want such rumours coupled with her recent arrival on board to complicate her intergration into the crew as a chief. For himself it was easy, pilots had a reputation anyway, one pilot alone wasn't going to change it and in part there was some barrier in the rumours of a 'girl in every port'.

"Besides," Victoria smiled slyly, "Anyone who wants to challenge me on keeping my personal life and work life separate is welcome to. I've got no problem with seeing you on duty and in uniform, but know that I intend to be out of uniform most of the time with you. Keeps those complaints down a bit, I think." She used her spoon to scrape as much of the chocolate sauce from the now empty bowl, "Anyone who knows of me probably thinks I'm a frigid bitch, but you pilots? At least if you've got a girl in every port, with Dreadnought being a port in her own right, I'll be your girl in THIS port." She winked at him.

Not the avenue he expected, but he'd take it. "Well I can assure you that the only contender you have is sitting in main bay 1, rack 1, bay 1." He smiled. "Like I said, there is no other, reputation being what it is with pilots its been something of a comfort, even if lonely. It was all well and good to a point but there comes a time where service has to give way to the needs of the heart for company of another."

"That there is..." Victoria sighed, "I've been so focused on my career that I've ignored everything else in pursuit." She reached out for his hand, "So let's give this a shot, why don't we? Who knows where it'll lead?"

Ferrand reached out with his hand. "Yes. Let's." It was a step in a direction, it was better than none and honestly there was something about Victoria he found intriguing, ever since seeing her cry, from the time they spoke, the insight into her style at home and now.

"So." Victoria smiled brightly, "At the risk of sounding far too forward, want to come back to my quarters? I sure could use some help unpacking."

"Unpacking, I should tell you that I'm appalling at interior decoration, but I'll do my best." He answered, which reminded him that in his own quarters he'd not unpacked much and in turn, the walls were barren and untouched.

Her smile just broadened as Victoria leaned forward and spoke softly, "It's not about the unpacking, in any case, it's a way to get to know more about me. Tell you what, next time? I'll come over to your place to help you."


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