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Ground Mission Planning.

Posted on Sat Feb 10th, 2024 @ 1:07pm by Major Samantha Snyder & Captain Ethan De Havilland & Colonel Jason "Jack" Frost

1,188 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Ethics, Morals & The Prime Directive.
Location: Marine Deck Holodeck
Timeline: Post Meeting with Captain

Jack stood on the raised platform almost like a theatre screen and a stage while before him sat every marine on the ship. The Major and he had spent hours considering all the elements in play, all the factors they could account for with all the information they could gleam from ship sensors, probes and anything even fighters or the two escort sensor logs could reveal. They had invited Captain De Havilland to the presentation, it felt right considering the Captain had asked them to plan it, so he'd present it to all at once.

It was a little surprising at least initially when 800 marines all stood up to attention when Ethan walked in, he wasn't a marine, but the respect afforded to him was appreciated nonetheless. A Corporal escorted him to the seat assigned to him. It was front row centre, a full-on, unobstructed view of the plan with the marines arranged in rows to the left, right and behind.

Sam stood by a dias off to one side, her task was to run through the holographic information, data slides, and assorted deployment screens as the Colonel ran through his briefing.

"Be seated," Jack spoke kicking the briefing off. "You are all here because the Captain has provided us with a mission task, you are all here because all of you will be needed." Jack gave a familiar hand signal for Sam to commence the holographic presentation.

From the dias Sam could see the upcoming slide on a display, next to it was the slide that would come next providing her with a step-by-step, point-by-point reference in case they needed to jump forward or back for whatever reason.

"This, is the colony we are currently in orbit of. A civilian scientific facility aimed towards terraforming and atmospheric modification. In lamens terms, make a planet breathable. It..." Jack pointed at the slowly rotating hologram of the colony. "It is currently held by a hostile force, numbers are an estimate but reports have suggested as high as 200 combatants or more in various states of armament is it also believed that hostile elements may pose as civilian noncoms (Non-Combatants) to cause maximum confusion and casualties if presented the opportunity to do so."

Sam flicked to the next image for the Colonel to continue speaking.

"The colony is understood to house an array of scientific research labs and related rooms underground, single access in, single out." Every marine knew that point right there, was a death trap. A small unit could fend off a much larger force given the thin walk spaces to negate the numerical advantage of the opposing force. "It is believed that these labs have been conducting the research and development of viral, chemical, neurological agents and potential genetic contagions, why? It doesn't matter."

Sam flicked to the next screen.

"The colony is currently protected by a shield that fully encompasses the facility, there are indications of weapons arrays. The Dreadnought will from orbit by force drop the colony shield and disable weapon encampments. Once done, she will jam the local sensor grid and communications. Our comms will not be affected, however. During the cover of night, we will beam down in a perimeter around the colony converging on it from all sides with overwatch recon points with night vision equipment." Jack paused.

Sam was cycling through the various phases of the hologram to illustrate the Dreadnought dropping the shield, bombarding the area with a jamming signal while green dots appeared all around the facility so Jack could continue

"We are not expecting a highly coordinated, trained military force being pirates, marauders, renegades but its not a stretch to believe there are combat-seasoned soldiers amongst them, but it remains a hostile force so don't let your guards down. We will enter the facility in the early hours of the morning after eyes on recon have been completed. We will engage only if engaged but make no mistake, while we are out to save the civilian elements they will have no compulsion to be as merciful to us. Stun targets if you can, kill if no other choice. If any civilians resist, bind them for transport back to the Dreadnought along with any hostiles by tagging them with iso- tags.

Ethan continued to listen and take in what he was hearing but he wasn't a marine, while he understood what was being told he knew that silently there was much more being relayed that only a trained marine would pick up on.

"If upon entry to the underground areas you encounter a standoff situation, don't be heroes. We have time so unless food is abundant down there, hunger is a strong motivator to get the desired results. If you can go around, do so. If not, wait it out, they can't go anywhere." Jack went on to the more technical elements of the briefing covering tactical points, points of interest, keynote areas of the colony, and the like. He wanted to ensure that his marines went in knowing everything there was to know. Knowledge was power, lacking such was wreckless.

"Captain, do you have anything to add?" Jack asked, handing the floor over to Captain De Havilland.

Ethan didn't expect to be part of the briefing, simply a listener in it but even as he was presented the briefing he was already formulating plans and ideas that the Dreadnought could engage in to support the ground effort. He stood up from his chair and walked up the stair case to join the Colonel on the stage.

"Thank you Colonel." Ethan began, it had been a while since he last had so many sets of eyes upon him, it was hard not to be even a little nervous. "The Dreadnought will have its fighter wing on stand-by for air support should it be required. If that is the case, they will link with your tactical readouts for accurate weapons fire provided by anyone designated to do so. If in the event something more is required I am prepared to use the ship's weapons systems to assist but, I would urge this be a last resort request. I would ask that consideration be made to minimize collateral damage but, as with most things in the heat of battle, can't always be the case. The medical deck will be ready for any wounded and shuttles will be made available to carry any losses from the battlefield." That particular gesture, instead of beaming them to the ship, providing them with something more honourable he felt was the least he could do for sending the marines to fight.

"Thank you Captain." Jack stepped up. "Marines, fall out into your teams, separate briefings by commanders to follow. Get some rest, get some chow, it's going to be a long morning. Dismissed."

Sam closed the presentation and brought the lights up for the room so people could see where they were going as they filed out of the room. Even though she aided in the development of the mission plan it still seemed like a large undertaking with risks that some would never have faced before.


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